Monday, August 25, 2008

You May Well Find That Selling The One Bedroom Flat Is Problematic

Category: Finance.

Ask, who and why, before buying has purchased the shops( if any) and ascertain whether any restrictions have been put to their use.

If you have to buy a flat in a block of flats with shops below, avoid buying the flat over the shops. You may find, that the shops, for example below will be used as a kebab house or as a bar( causing you a lot of hardship) . The further away( the higher up) the better. Prefer to get hired accommodation rather than think that you will sell your one bedroom unit and buy a larger one in the future. Accommodation: Avoid purchasing an one bedroom or studio type of accommodation( unless you are in a resort area) since you will have problems on resale. You may well find that selling the one bedroom flat is problematic. This state of affairs is fluid however and changes from time to time and from location to location.

Flats most in demand are the three bedroom( around 120- 130 sq. m. ) and two bedroom( 70- 100 sq. m. ) ones. In resort areas the most marketable accommodation are the compact one and two bedroom flats. Fees for this consultant are around 4% for the design and 2% for supervision( on the cost of the works) .Insist on all drawings being ready before inviting tenders. In case you require air condition ing/ central heating, we suggest that the advice of a qualified electrical and mechanical engineer be sought. It is recommended that a building permit be secured first before works commence, although works such as excavations etc may begin prior to the issue of the building permit. Cyprus is an independent and sovereign republic with the elected president( 5 year election cycle) as head of state.

In this case, your architect must consult with the Appropriate Authority to see whether there are any major objections to the drawings. The legislation power lies with the elected House of Representatives and appointed council of ministers. Cyprus is a member of the UN, the non, the British Commonwealth- aligned movement, World Bank and IMF, and shortly to be a full member. The legal system is based on the British/ European system with independent power exercised by judiciary. Location: In any particular area there are many blocks of flats under construction( this is less true for the Paphos residential areas) . Of course what is a 11 good" area is relative and depends on various factors including personal judgement and taste. it is widely accepted, that a 11, however good" area is one which is relatively central, not densely developed with flats, more of a residential area, relatively quiet( not on main roads) and which is close to schools and shops. Try to shop around and choose a block in a good area.


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